Angular directive

sra-wind-gauge source template

This widget displays a wind gauge showing north, south, east and west. It shows the wind speed and direction. It can be rotated so that north points in the same direction as the {@link sra-track-map TrackMap} widget. It can also be rotated so the bearing of the reference car is at the top, like a compass.


<sra-wind-gauge data-sra-args-rotate="false"></sra-wind-gauge>

data-sra-args-rotate boolean true will rotate the gauge so that north points in the same direction as the {@link sra-track-map TrackMap} widget. Defaults to false.
data-sra-args-perspective string The perspective can be a car identifier or 'TRACK' and rotation will be based on that. Default is 'TRACK'.
data-sra-args-interval integer The interval, in milliseconds, that this widget will update from the server. Default is 100.