Angular directive

sra-bar-gauge source template

This widget is a generic implementation of an Bar Gauge. All of the Bar Gauges simply use this widget by passing in the different parameters. It is configured using the available arguments. All arguments that take degrees, considers zero degrees at 3 o'clock. All sizes are in pixels relative to 800x320. If a gauge is resized, it will automatically adjust these values.

Other values, the gauge needs, are sent by the SIM to control, minimum, maximum, states, and intervals for the major,minor.

Example of how the Tachometer uses this:

      class                          = "SIMRacingApps-Widget-BarGauge-Tachometer"
      data-sra-args-bar-gauge        = "Tachometer"
      data-sra-args-round-to         = "{{sraRoundTo}}"
      data-sra-args-show-value       = "{{sraShowValue}}"
      data-sra-args-interval         = "{{sraArgsInterval||sraInterval}}"
data-sra-args-bar-gauge string The name of the gauge that the SIM will use to send the values from. See, Gauges, for avaiLabel values. Defaults to "Generic".
data-sra-args-gauge-value string Either the "Current" or "Next" values. Defaults to "Current".
data-sra-args-show-digital-value boolean The condition, true or false, to turn the digital value on and off. The default is true. This value can be override for all gauge in the URL using "SHOWDIGITALVALUE=false".
data-sra-args-use-speedometer boolean The condition, true or false, to get the Tachometer to use the speed to determine the states relating to pit road speed. Defaults to true. If set to false, it uses the RPMs while in 2nd Gear that the SIM returns. if your app or widget implements a way for the user to set it (like in the real stock cars), then calling "/SIMRacingApps/Data/Car/REFERENCE/setRPMPitRoadSpeed/{RPM}" will set it for that session. Otherwise, it will use the default from Car.json or the car specific json files for each SIM where it can be defined by track. (NOTE: As of version 1.0, the json files have not been updated and the default is 3950.)
data-sra-args-label string The title of the bar. Defaults to the gauge's label1 and lable2 values.
data-sra-args-x-label pixels The X position of the label.
data-sra-args-y-label pixels The Y position of the label.
data-sra-args-font-size-label pixels The font size of the label.
data-sra-args-anchor-label string The anchor of the label (start,middle,end). Defaults to middle.
data-sra-args-start-bar pixels The X position of where the bar will start.
data-sra-args-end-bar pixels The X position of where the bar will end.
data-sra-args-major-top pixels The Y position of the top of the major bars.
data-sra-args-major-bottom pixels The Y position of the bottom of the major bars.
data-sra-args-minor-top pixels The Y position of the top of the minor bars.
data-sra-args-minor-bottom pixels The Y position of the bottom of the minor bars.
data-sra-args-border-size pixels The size of the border width.
data-sra-args-border-x pixels The X position of the border.
data-sra-args-border-y pixels The Y position of the border.
data-sra-args-border-width pixels The width of the border.
data-sra-args-border-height pixels The height of the border.
data-sra-args-major-text-y pixels The Y position of the bottom of the major scale text font.
data-sra-args-major-font-size pixels The size of the major text font.
data-sra-args-x-value pixels The X position of where to put the digital value.
data-sra-args-y-value pixels The Y position of the bottom of the digital value's text.
data-sra-args-font-size-value pixels The font size of the digital value.
data-sra-args-anchor-value string The anchor of the digital value's text (left,right,middle). Defaults to middle.
data-sra-args-x-value2 pixels The X position of where to put the digital value.
data-sra-args-y-value2 pixels The Y position of the bottom of the digital value's text.
data-sra-args-font-size-value2 pixels The font size of the digital value.
data-sra-args-anchor-value2 string The anchor of the digital value's text (left,right,middle). Defaults to middle.
data-sra-args-round-to double The value to round the digital values to. Defaults to 1.0.
data-sra-args-decimals integer The number of decimals places to show the digital value.
data-sra-args-uom string The unit of measure to show the entire gauge in.
data-sra-args-flash-rate milliseconds The rate to flash when CRITICAL state is reached.
data-sra-args-flash-on-critical boolean Enable or disable the flash on critical. Defaults to true.