Angular apps

CrewChief-Large source

This is the Crew Chief App for a larger display. It displays some extra information beside the {@link sra-pit-commander PitCommander} widget. Be default, it will run in read-only mode and not send commands to the SIM. See the PITCOMMANDSSIMCONTROLLER parameter below to change it. NOTE: All parameters are specified in the URL.
PITCOMMANDSSIMCONTROLLER boolean If true, then this widget can send changes to the SIM. Defaults to false.
LAPSTOAVERAGE boolean The number of laps to average for the fuel mileage commands. Defaults to zero(0) or worst lap.
ALTLAPSTOAVERAGE boolean The alternate number of laps to average for the fuel mileage commands. Used when saving fuel. Defaults to 2 laps.
showFPS boolean When any value is seen in the URL for this attribute, the Frames Per Second(FPS) will be shown. Defaults to not show.