Angular directive

sra-standings-top-43 source template

This widget displays the official standings of the top 43 cars in a larger view so more data can be displayed than the Standings widget. These usually only change as you cross the start/finish line. The cars are color coded as Red(At least a lap ahead), Blue (At least a lap behind), White (Same lap as you), Cyan (Off track). In the header the Strength of Field (SOF) and current lap for the leader are displayed. Column values displayed are: Position, Number, Name, Club, Blk(Blink Counter), Rating, Lap, Pit/Run(Pit Time/Laps since pitting), Behind Leader, Best, Last times. Red box around the name indicates below minimum speed. Green box around Best is fastest lap overall and Last is fastest last lap if you are within 2 laps of the leader.



data-sra-args-interval integer The interval, in milliseconds, that this widget will update from the server. Default is 1000.