'use strict';
* This widget displays the temps and wears of a tire after it has been changed.
* It will also be shaded with Red, Yellow, Black to show hottest to coldest relative to left, middle, right side of the tire.
* It also displays the number of laps that were run on it as well as the lap when it was changed.
* <p>
* Example:
* <p><b>
* <sra-tire-measurements data-sra-args-tire='LF'></sra-tire-measurements><br />
* </b>
* <img src="../widgets/TireMeasurements/icon.png" />
* @ngdoc directive
* @name sra-tire-measurements
* @param {string} data-sra-args-tire One of LF,RF,LR,RR (Left Front, Right Front, Left Read, Right Rear). Defaults to RF.
* @param {boolean} data-sra-args-s-i-m-controller If true, then this widget can send changes to the SIM. Defaults to false.
* @param {integer} data-sra-args-interval The interval, in milliseconds, that this widget will update from the server. Default is 500.
* @author Jeffrey Gilliam
* @since 1.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 - 2024 Jeffrey Gilliam
* @license Apache License 2.0
function(SIMRacingApps) {
var self = {
name: "sraTireMeasurements",
url: 'TireMeasurements',
template: 'TireMeasurements.html',
defaultWidth: 800,
defaultHeight: 380,
defaultInterval: 500 //initialize with the default interval
self.module = angular.module('SIMRacingApps'); //get the main module
['sraDispatcher', '$filter', '$rootScope',
function(sraDispatcher, $filter, $rootScope) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
scope: true,
templateUrl: sraDispatcher.getWidgetUrl(self.url) + '/' + self.template,
controller: [ '$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.directiveName = self.name;
$scope.defaultWidth = self.defaultWidth;
$scope.defaultHeight = self.defaultHeight;
$scope.defaultInterval = self.defaultInterval;
//load translations, if you have any un-comment this
sraDispatcher.loadTranslations(sraDispatcher.getWidgetUrl(self.url),'text',function(path) {
$scope.translations = sraDispatcher.getTranslation(path);
$scope.Lcolor = 'rgba(0,0,0,.5)';
$scope.Mcolor = 'rgba(0,0,0,.5)';
$scope.Rcolor = 'rgba(0,0,0,.5)';
/** your code goes here **/
$scope.updateBackground = function() {
var L = $scope.data.Car.REFERENCE.Gauge['TireTemp'+$scope.value+'L'].ValueHistorical;
var M = $scope.data.Car.REFERENCE.Gauge['TireTemp'+$scope.value+'M'].ValueHistorical;
var R = $scope.data.Car.REFERENCE.Gauge['TireTemp'+$scope.value+'R'].ValueHistorical;
//L.Value = 215.0;
//M.Value = 200.0;
//R.Value = 225.0;
var lowest = Math.min(Math.round(L.Value),Math.round(M.Value),Math.round(R.Value));
var highest = Math.max(Math.round(L.Value),Math.round(M.Value),Math.round(R.Value));
var lowColor = "rgba(0,0,0,.5)"; //black
var middleColor = "rgba(255,255,0,.5)"; //yellow
var highColor = "rgba(255,0,0,.5)"; //red
$scope.Lcolor = (Math.round(L.Value) == lowest ? lowColor : (Math.round(L.Value) == highest ? highColor : middleColor));
$scope.Mcolor = (Math.round(M.Value) == lowest ? lowColor : (Math.round(M.Value) == highest ? highColor : middleColor));
$scope.Rcolor = (Math.round(R.Value) == lowest ? lowColor : (Math.round(R.Value) == highest ? highColor : middleColor));
, link: function($scope,$element,$attrs) {
//copy arguments to our scope. First if using attribute, second tag, else default to something.
$attrs.sraArgsData = $attrs.sraArgsData || "";
$scope.value =
$scope[self.name] = sraDispatcher.getTruthy($scope.sraArgsTIRE, $attrs.sraArgsTire, $scope.sraArgsVALUE, $attrs[self.name], $attrs.sraArgsValue, "RF");
/** your code goes here **/
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/REFERENCE/Gauge/TireTemp"+$scope.value+"L/ValueHistorical";
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/REFERENCE/Gauge/TireTemp"+$scope.value+"M/ValueHistorical";
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/REFERENCE/Gauge/TireTemp"+$scope.value+"R/ValueHistorical";
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/REFERENCE/Gauge/TireWear"+$scope.value+"L/ValueHistorical";
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/REFERENCE/Gauge/TireWear"+$scope.value+"M/ValueHistorical";
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/REFERENCE/Gauge/TireWear"+$scope.value+"R/ValueHistorical";
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/REFERENCE/Gauge/TirePressure"+$scope.value+"/ValueHistorical";
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/REFERENCE/Gauge/TirePressure"+$scope.value+"/LapsHistorical";
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/REFERENCE/Gauge/TirePressure"+$scope.value+"/LapChanged";
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/REFERENCE/Gauge/TirePressure"+$scope.value+"/Count";
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/REFERENCE/Gauge/TirePressure"+$scope.value+"/MaxCount";
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/REFERENCE/Gauge/TireCompound"+"/ValueHistorical";
/**standard code that should be in every directive **/
$rootScope.$on('sraResize', sraDispatcher.resize($scope,$element,self.defaultWidth,self.defaultHeight));
//register with the dispatcher
$scope.names = sraDispatcher.subscribe($scope,$attrs,self.defaultInterval); //register subscriptions and options to the dispatcher
return self;