'use strict';
* This widget simply displays the car number using the colors returned by the SIM.
* <p>
* You can provide an image of your car number that is based on the league id returned by the SIM.
* It requires your league be run using iRacing's leagues.
* It will not work if it is a hosted session because iRacing does not return a league number.
* The image path should be as follows:
* <p>
* Documents/SIMRacingApps/CarNumbers/LeagueID-{leagueId}/{carNumber}.png
* <p>
* The leagueId can be found in iRacing's League Directory listing by clicking on the league you are in
* and looking at the URL for that page.
* If you want to make numbers for your official races, use the league id of 0.
* Then create numbers for 1-60 to cover them all. These will be used by all cars.
* <p>
* Example: Documents/SIMRacingApps/CarNumbers/LeagueID-1489/61.png
* <p>
* All images should have an aspect ratio of 1.666 (i.e. 800 wide, 480 high) to cover the original number.
* Note: Taking a screen shot of your number while in iRacing creates a dull image.
* <p>
* Example(s):
* <p><b>
* <sra-car-number data-sra-args-car="ME"></sra-car-number><br />
* <div data-sra-car="ME"></div>
* </b>
* <img src="../widgets/CarNumber/icon.png" />
* @ngdoc directive
* @name sra-car-number
* @param {carIdentifier} data-sra-args-car The <a href="../JavaDoc/com/SIMRacingApps/Session.html#getCar-java.lang.String-" target="_blank">Car Identifier</a> to get the number from.
* @param {integer} data-sra-args-interval The interval, in milliseconds, that this widget will update from the server. Default is 2000.
* @author Jeffrey Gilliam
* @since 1.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 - 2024 Jeffrey Gilliam
* @license Apache License 2.0
function(SIMRacingApps) {
var self = {
name: "sraCarNumber",
url: 'CarNumber',
template: 'CarNumber.html',
defaultWidth: 800,
defaultHeight: 480,
defaultInterval: 300 //initialize with the default interval
self.module = angular.module('SIMRacingApps'); //get the main module
['sraDispatcher', '$filter','$rootScope',
function(sraDispatcher, $filter, $rootScope) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
scope: true,
templateUrl: sraDispatcher.getWidgetUrl(self.url) + '/' + self.template,
controller: [ '$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.directiveName = self.name;
$scope.defaultWidth = self.defaultWidth;
$scope.defaultHeight = self.defaultHeight;
$scope.defaultInterval = self.defaultInterval;
$scope.CarNumber = "";
$scope.CarNumberSlant = "right"; //normal, left, right, forward, backwards
$scope.CarNumberFont = "Arial";
$scope.CarColor = "";
$scope.CarColorNumber = "";
$scope.CarColorNumberOutline = "";
$scope.CarColorNumberBackground = "";
$scope.transform = "";
, link: function($scope,$element,$attrs) {
//copy arguments to our $scope
//$scope.value = $scope[self.name] = $attrs[self.name] || $attrs.sraArgsCar || $attrs.sraArgsCarNumber || "REFERENCE";
$scope.value =
$scope[self.name] = sraDispatcher.getTruthy($scope.sraArgsCAR, $attrs.sraArgsCar, $attrs.sraArgsCarNumber, $scope.sraArgsVALUE, $attrs[self.name], $attrs.sraArgsValue, "REFERENCE");
//removed these attributes from the template because sraCar was not resolved at the time of compilation
$attrs.sraArgsData =
";Car/" + $scope.value + "/Number"
+ ";Car/" + $scope.value + "/NumberSlant"
+ ";Car/" + $scope.value + "/NumberFont"
+ ";Car/" + $scope.value + "/Color"
+ ";Car/" + $scope.value + "/ColorNumber"
+ ";Car/" + $scope.value + "/ColorNumberOutline"
+ ";Car/" + $scope.value + "/ColorNumberBackground"
+ ";Session/LeagueID";
$scope.$watch("data.Car['"+$scope.value+"'].Number.Value", function() {
$scope.CarNumber = $scope.data.Car[$scope.value].Number.ValueFormatted;
$scope.$watch("data.Car['"+$scope.value+"'].NumberSlant.Value", function() {
$scope.CarNumberSlant = $scope.data.Car[$scope.value].NumberSlant.Value;
if ($scope.CarNumberSlant == "left")
$scope.transform = "translate(-80,0) skewX(15)";
if ($scope.CarNumberSlant == "right")
$scope.transform = "translate(80,0) skewX(-15)";
if ($scope.CarNumberSlant == "forward")
$scope.transform = "translate(80,0) skewX(-15)";
if ($scope.CarNumberSlant == "backwards")
$scope.transform = "translate(-80,0) skewX(15)";
$scope.transform = "";
$scope.$watch("data.Car['"+$scope.value+"'].NumberFont.Value", function() {
$scope.CarNumberFont = $scope.data.Car[$scope.value].NumberFont.Value;
$scope.$watch("data.Car['"+$scope.value+"'].Color.Value", function() {
$scope.CarColor = $scope.data.Car[$scope.value].Color.Value;
$scope.$watch("data.Car['"+$scope.value+"'].ColorNumber.Value", function() {
$scope.CarColorNumber = $scope.data.Car[$scope.value].ColorNumber.Value;
$scope.$watch("data.Car['"+$scope.value+"'].ColorNumberOutline.Value", function() {
$scope.CarColorNumberOutline = $scope.data.Car[$scope.value].ColorNumberOutline.Value;
$scope.$watch("data.Car['"+$scope.value+"'].ColorNumberBackground.Value", function() {
$scope.CarColorNumberBackground = $scope.data.Car[$scope.value].ColorNumberBackground.Value;
/**standard code that should be in every directive **/
$rootScope.$on('sraResize', sraDispatcher.resize($scope,$element,self.defaultWidth,self.defaultHeight));
$scope.names = sraDispatcher.subscribe($scope,$attrs,self.defaultInterval); //register subscriptions and options to the dispatcher
return self;