'use strict';
* The Chat Widget sends predefined messages with a click of a button.
* You can also send private messages directly to a specific car.
* You can also select LEADER, AHEAD, BEHIND, or REPLY to let the system determine the car to send to.
* Just click the button or car first, then click the text.
* Here is a list of the predefined messages.
* <dl>
* <dt>ALL ME</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] All Me</dd>
* <dt>GOOD LUCK</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] Good Luck from SIMRacingApps.com</dd>
* <dt>GOOD RACE</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] Good Race from SIMRacingApps.com</dd>
* <dt>GOOD WIN - Sends to Leader by default.</dt><dd>/LEADER [#[CARNUMBER]] Good Win</dd>
* <dt>HELLO</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] Hello</dd>
* <dt>LOL</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] LoL</dd>
* <dt>NO PROBLEM</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] No Problem</dd>
* <dt>OK</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] Ok</dd>
* <dt>PASS LEFT - Sends to Car BEHIND by default.</dt><dd>/RL-1 [#[CARNUMBER]] Pass Left</dd>
* <dt>PASS RIGHT - Sends to Car BEHIND by default.</dt><dd>/RL-1 [#[CARNUMBER]] Pass Right</dd>
* <dt>PITTING IN</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] Pitting In</dd>
* <dt>PITTING OUT</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] Pitting Out</dd>
* <dt>RACING DEAL</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] Racing Deal</dd>
* <dt>SORRY</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] Sorry</dd>
* <dt>SWITCH IN 1</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] Switch In 1</dd>
* <dt>SWITCH IN 3</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] Switch In 3</dd>
* <dt>THANKS - Sends to Car BEHIND by default.</dt><dd>/RL-1 [#[CARNUMBER]] Thanks</dd>
* <dt>YOU'RE WELCOME - Sends to the Car AHEAD by default.</dt><dd>/RL1 [#[CARNUMBER]] You're Welcome</dd>
* <dt>@ALLTEAMS</dt><dd>@transmit ALLTEAMS</dd>
* <dt>@DRIVERS</dt><dd>@transmit DRIVERS</dd>
* <dt>@TEAM</dt><dd>@transmit TEAM</dd>
* <dt>@CLUB</dt><dd>@transmit CLUB</dd>
* <dt>@RACE CONTROL</dt><dd>@transmit RACECONTROL</dd>
* <dt>@PRIVATE</dt><dd>@transmit PRIVATE</dd>
* <dt>@ADD CH - adds a radio channel using the selected car number. CHxxx</dt><dd>@add CH[CARORME]</dd>
* <dt>JOIN ME @CH - Invite others to join your channel</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] Join Me @ADD CH[CARNUMBER]</dd>
* <dt>@CH</dt><dd>@transmit CH[CARORME]</dd>
* <dt>?</dt><dd>[#[CARNUMBER]] ?</dd>
* </dl>
* The default messages can be changed in the settings.txt file using the following variables.
* There are 6 rows and 4 columns that you can reference for 24 possible predefined messages.
* The text is optional, and will use the default text if the button name is one of the predefined ones.
* The predefined text puts your car number at the beginning of all messages.
* <pre>
* chat-row1-col1-name = Button Name
* chat-row1-col1-text = Text To Send
* </pre>
* You can have multiple instances of chat with a different name.
* See the parameter data-sra-args-chat-instance.
* Just replace the word "chat" in the variable to your instance name, in this example, "chat2".
* <pre>
* chat2-row1-col1-name = Button Name
* chat2-row1-col1-text = Text To Send
* </pre>
* The text can also have variables embedded with it. The following variables are allowed.
* <ul>
* <li>[CAR] - The car number that the message will be sent to.</li>
* <li>[CARORME] - The car number selected or ME if no car selected</li>
* <li>[CARNUMBER] - Your Car Number</li>
* <li>[DRIVERNAME] - Your Name</li>
* </ul>
* You can also embed any SendKeys sequence in the text. See <a href='../../../JavaDoc/com/SIMRacingApps/Util/SendKeys.html'>SendKeys</a>.
* If the text begins with a slash, then the "word" following the slash will be used to send the message to that car identifier.
* It will also accept "REPLY" as a car identifier to send the message to the last person to send you a private message.
* If you have already selected a car to send to, then that car will override. Think of '/' as a way to define a default car.
* As a convention, I also put a slash at the beginning of the name followed with the car number.
* For Example, Pass Left almost always applies to the car behind you. Why send to all cars?:
* <pre>
* chat-row1-col1-name = /[CAR]<br />PASS LEFT
* chat-row1-col1-text = /RL-1 [#[CARNUMBER]] Pass Left
* </pre>
* <p>
* Example:
* <p><b>
* <sra-chat></sra-chat><br />
* </b>
* <img src="../widgets/Chat/icon.png" alt="Image goes here"/>
* @ngdoc directive
* @name sra-chat
* @param {string} data-sra-args-chat-instance The name of this instance for the settings.txt variable prefix. Defaults to "chat".
* @param {integer} data-sra-args-interval The interval, in milliseconds, that this widget will update from the server. Default is 500.
* @author Jeffrey Gilliam
* @since 1.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 - 2024 Jeffrey Gilliam
* @license Apache License 2.0
function(SIMRacingApps) {
var self = {
name: "sraChat",
url: 'Chat',
template: 'Chat.html',
defaultWidth: 800,
defaultHeight: 480,
defaultInterval: 500 //initialize with the default interval
self.module = angular.module('SIMRacingApps'); //get the main module
['sraDispatcher', '$filter', '$rootScope', '$timeout',
function(sraDispatcher, $filter, $rootScope, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
scope: true,
templateUrl: sraDispatcher.getWidgetUrl(self.url) + '/' + self.template,
controller: [ '$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.directiveName = self.name;
$scope.defaultWidth = self.defaultWidth;
$scope.defaultHeight = self.defaultHeight;
$scope.defaultInterval = self.defaultInterval;
$scope.translations = {};
$scope.clickDelay = 2000;
$scope.chatInstance = 'chat';
$scope.carClickedScope = null;
$scope.car = "";
$scope.rows = [1,2,3,4,5,6];
$scope.cols = [1,2,3,4];
$scope.sraButtons = {};
$scope.clickedStatus = 'N';
$scope.sraButtonDefaults= {
"row1-col1": "PASS LEFT",
"row2-col1": "PASS RIGHT",
"row3-col1": "NO PROBLEM",
"row4-col1": "SORRY",
"row5-col1": "ALL ME",
"row6-col1": "THANKS",
"row1-col2": "GOOD LUCK",
"row2-col2": "GOOD WIN",
"row3-col2": "RACING DEAL",
"row4-col2": "OK",
"row5-col2": "GOOD RACE",
"row6-col2": "YOU'RE WELCOME",
"row1-col3": "@ADD CH",
"row2-col3": "JOIN ME @CH",
"row3-col3": "LOL",
"row4-col3": "HELLO",
"row5-col3": "SWITCH IN 1",
"row6-col3": "SWITCH IN 3",
"row1-col4": "@CH",
"row2-col4": "@TEAM",
"row3-col4": "@CLUB",
"row4-col4": "@ALLTEAMS",
"row5-col4": "PITTING IN",
"row6-col4": "PITTING OUT",
$scope.updateVariables = function(button,defaultCar) {
if (button) {
var car = $scope.car || defaultCar || "";
var name = $scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].name;
var text = $scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].text;
while (name.indexOf("[CARORME]") >= 0)
name = name.replace("[CARORME]", $scope.car || $scope.data.Car.ME.Number.ValueFormatted);
while (name.indexOf("[CAR]") >= 0)
name = name.replace("[CAR]", car);
while (name.indexOf("[CARNUMBER]") >= 0)
name = name.replace("[CARNUMBER]", $scope.data.Car.ME.Number.ValueFormatted);
while (name.indexOf("[DRIVERNAME]") >= 0)
name = name.replace("[DRIVERNAME]",$scope.data.Car.ME.DriverName.ValueFormatted);
while (text.indexOf("[CARORME]") >= 0)
text = text.replace("[CARORME]", $scope.car || $scope.data.Car.ME.Number.ValueFormatted);
while (text.indexOf("[CAR]") >= 0)
text = text.replace("[CAR]", car);
while (text.indexOf("[CARNUMBER]") >= 0)
text = text.replace("[CARNUMBER]", $scope.data.Car.ME.Number.ValueFormatted);
while (text.indexOf("[DRIVERNAME]") >= 0)
text = text.replace("[DRIVERNAME]",$scope.data.Car.ME.DriverName.ValueFormatted);
$scope.sraButtons[button].name = name;
$scope.sraButtons[button].text = text;
$scope.carClicked = function($clickedScope,car) {
if (car) {
//See if the car passed in is an alias and retrieve the actual car number
if ($scope.data.Car[car] && $scope.data.Car[car].Number)
car = $scope.data.Car[car].Number.ValueFormatted;
//if a previous car was already selected, unselect it
if ($scope.carClickedScope && car != $scope.car) {
if ($clickedScope.getClickedState() == 'clicked') {
$scope.carClickedScope = null;
$scope.car = "";
else {
$scope.carClickedScope = $clickedScope;
$scope.car = car;
//now update all the buttons in case they are bound to the selected car
for (var v in $scope.sraButtonsOriginal) {
$scope.updateVariables(v,$scope.data.Car[$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[v].car] ? $scope.data.Car[$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[v].car].Number.ValueFormatted : "");
$scope.onButtonClick = function(scope,value,button) {
console.log('Chat.onButtonClick('+button+') = '+$scope.car+' '+$scope.sraButtons[button].text);
if ($scope.sraButtons[button].name && $scope.sraButtons[button].text) {
scope.clickedStatus = 'Y';
var car = $scope.car || $scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].car;
$scope.updateVariables(button,$scope.data.Car[car] ? $scope.data.Car[car].Number.ValueFormatted : "");
if (car
&& car != "ALL" //all cars
&& car != $scope.data.Car.ME.Number.ValueFormatted //myself
&& $scope.sraButtons[button].text.substring(0,1) != '@' //radio commands
&& $scope.sraButtons[button].text.substring(0,1) != '!' //admin commands
&& $scope.sraButtons[button].text.substring(0,1) != '#' //pit commands
) {
if (car == "REPLY") {
$scope.sendCommand("Session/setChatReply/" + $scope.sraButtons[button].text);
else {
$scope.sendCommand("Car/" + car + "/setChat/" + $scope.sraButtons[button].text);
else {
$scope.sendCommand("Session/setChat/" + $scope.sraButtons[button].text);
//unselect the car any time a button is clicked.
if ($scope.carClickedScope)
$scope.carClickedScope = null;
$scope.car = "";
//now update all the buttons in case they are bound to the selected car
for (var v in $scope.sraButtonsOriginal) {
$scope.updateVariables(v,$scope.data.Car[$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[v].car] ? $scope.data.Car[$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[v].car].Number.ValueFormatted : "");
$timeout(function(scope) {
scope.clickedStatus = 'N';
}, $scope.clickDelay,null,scope);
$scope.sendCommand = function(command) {
$scope.updateName = function(button,value) {
//if a non blank value is passed in, the user has overridden the button in the settings.txt file.
if (value && value !== 'undefined' && value !== '__default') {
$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].name = value;
$scope.updateText = function(button,value) {
//if a non blank value is passed in, the user has overridden the button in the settings.txt file.
if (value) {
//if the text starts with a slash, parse the car identifier off and subscribe to it's number
if (value.substring(0,1) == '/') {
//take the next word and use it as the car identifier to send the text to
$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].car = value.substring(1).split(" ")[0];
$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].text = value.substring($scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].car.length+2);
sraArgsData: "Car/"+$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].car+"/Number"
//Now watch for changes to this car and update the name
new Function('newValue','oldValue','$scope','$scope.updateVariables("'+button+'",newValue);')
else {
$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].car = "";
$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].text = value;
new Function('newValue','oldValue','$scope','$scope.updateVariables("'+button+'",newValue);')
new Function('newValue','oldValue','$scope','$scope.updateVariables("'+button+'",newValue);')
new Function('newValue','oldValue','$scope','$scope.updateVariables("'+button+'",newValue);')
new Function('newValue','oldValue','$scope','$scope.updateVariables("'+button+'",newValue);')
new Function('newValue','oldValue','$scope','$scope.updateVariables("'+button+'",newValue);')
, link: function($scope,$element,$attrs) {
//copy arguments to our scope. First if using attribute, second tag, else default to something.
$attrs.sraArgsData = $attrs.sraArgsData || "";
$scope.value =
$scope[self.name] = sraDispatcher.getTruthy($scope.sraArgsVALUE, $attrs[self.name], $attrs.sraArgsValue, "DefaultValue");
$scope.chatInstance = sraDispatcher.getTruthy($scope.sraArgsCHATINSTANCE,$attrs.sraArgsChatInstance,"chat");
/** your code goes here **/
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/ME/Number;Car/ME/DriverName";
//These are buttons from CarSelector that I have enabled.
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/LEADERCLASS/Number";
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/RL1/Number";
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Car/RL-1/Number";
for (var row=0; row < $scope.rows.length; row++) {
for (var col=0; col < $scope.cols.length; col++) {
var button = 'row'+$scope.rows[row]+'-col'+$scope.cols[col];
$attrs.sraArgsData += ";Setting/"+$scope.chatInstance+"-"+button+"-name/__default;Setting/"+$scope.chatInstance+"-"+button+"-text";
$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button] = {};
$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].name = $scope.sraButtonDefaults[button] || "";
$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].text = ""; //This comes from the translations when it loads them
$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].car = "";
$scope.sraButtons[button] = {};
$scope.sraButtons[button].name = "";
$scope.sraButtons[button].text = "";
new Function('newValue','oldValue','$scope','$scope.updateName("'+button+'",newValue,$scope);')
new Function('newValue','oldValue','$scope','$scope.updateText("'+button+'",newValue,$scope);')
/**standard code that should be in every directive **/
$rootScope.$on('sraResize', sraDispatcher.resize($scope,$element,self.defaultWidth,self.defaultHeight));
//register with the dispatcher
$scope.names = sraDispatcher.subscribe($scope,$attrs,self.defaultInterval); //register subscriptions and options to the dispatcher
//load translations, if you have any comment out if you do not so it will not look for them
sraDispatcher.loadTranslations(sraDispatcher.getWidgetUrl(self.url),'text',function(path) {
$scope.translations = sraDispatcher.getTranslation(path);
//since the translations could load after the buttons have been sent from the server
//we need to update them if the button is not already assigned.
for (var button in $scope.sraButtonsOriginal) {
var name = $scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].name;
if (name && !$scope.sraButtonsOriginal[button].text && $scope.translations[name]) {
return self;