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LapType() - Constructor for class com.SIMRacingApps.Car.LapType
latLngToTimezoneString(double, double) - Static method in class com.SIMRacingApps.Util.TimezoneMapper
LAUNCHRPM - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.Gauge.Type
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class com.SIMRacingApps.JComponents.JScaledLayout
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class com.SIMRacingApps.JComponents.JScaledLayout2
LEADER - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.Session.CarIdentifiers
The Leader of the race
LEADER_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.Session.CarIdentifiers
The Leader of the class
LEAVINGPITS - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.Car.Status
LED - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.Car.LapType
The number of laps led
LFTireChange - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.SIMPlugins.iRacing.PitSvFlags
listings - Class in com.SIMRacingApps.servlets
This class implements the "/listings" service of the HTTP protocol.
listings() - Constructor for class com.SIMRacingApps.servlets.listings
load(byte[]) - Method in class com.SIMRacingApps.SIMPlugins.iRacing.Yaml_parser
loadMixers() - Static method in class com.SIMRacingApps.Util.Sound
logArgs() - Static method in class com.SIMRacingApps.Server
This method sends all the arguments to the log.
logger() - Static method in class com.SIMRacingApps.Server
logStackTrace(Level, String, StackTraceElement[]) - Static method in class com.SIMRacingApps.Server
logStackTrace(Level, String, Exception) - Static method in class com.SIMRacingApps.Server
This method should be used to log the entire stack trace to the log file.
logStackTrace(Level, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.SIMRacingApps.Server
This method should be used to log the entire stack trace to the log file.
logStackTrace(Level, Exception) - Static method in class com.SIMRacingApps.Server
logStackTrace(Exception) - Static method in class com.SIMRacingApps.Server
LONE_QUALIFY - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.Session.Type
LONG_OVAL - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.Track.Type
loop(int) - Method in class com.SIMRacingApps.Util.Sound
Plays the sound, count, times in the background.
LOWFUELACCEPT - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.Gauge.Type
LR2CarsLeft - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.SIMPlugins.iRacing.CarLeftRight
LR2CarsRight - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.SIMPlugins.iRacing.CarLeftRight
LRCarLeft - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.SIMPlugins.iRacing.CarLeftRight
LRCarLeftRight - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.SIMPlugins.iRacing.CarLeftRight
LRCarRight - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.SIMPlugins.iRacing.CarLeftRight
LRClear - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.SIMPlugins.iRacing.CarLeftRight
LROff - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.SIMPlugins.iRacing.CarLeftRight
LRTireChange - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.SIMPlugins.iRacing.PitSvFlags
LRWEDGEADJUSTMENT - Static variable in class com.SIMRacingApps.Gauge.Type
The amount of left rear track bar adjustment that can be made during a pit stop.
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